Sunday, February 28, 2016

25 interesting facts about Mahatma Gandhi, about whom you will not know. Then read the 17th, will surprise you!

we are giving them information about something interesting that you hardly know. Knowing his income as a lawyer, especially if the teeth and under the finger, press!
1. Mahatma Gandhi (Mahatma Gandhi) were not born brave and bold leader. But he himself has written in his autobiography that he was so shy as a child, he ran away from school so that they do not have to talk to someone.
2. Gandhi's Dandi march (Dandi March) not only in the first march. He was studying law in England but he used to run daily 8 to 10 km walk. This habit of walking on the strength of the salt satyagraha (Namak Satyagrah) during the Dandi march of 241 kilometers could.
3. Once Gandhi despite being a British stamp and stamp collector "black" because the train was unloaded from the push to kill.
4. During the 1931 tour of England, Gandhi made a speech to the US for the first time on the radio. Were his first words on the radio, "I inside it (microphone) You have to speak?" "Do I have to speak into this thing?"
5. Once Gandhi's shoe fell below the moving train. He immediately threw his second shoe off the train. When asked, he said, "neither a shoe nor her that will work for me will find my other shoe. At least now he's the guy who can wear both shoes will both my shoes "
6. While Gandhi was the biggest taboo. They always have a "dollar" lived moment. Shortly before his murder, he was very upset about the fact that they were late 10 minutes in prayer.
7. America's Time magazine in 1930 as "the most important person of the year" was given the award.
8. Gandhi studied in England in 1988. It was the same year when the famous serial killer in England, "Jack the Ripper", the panic had spread.
The famous Russian writer Leo Tolstoy, Gandhi was a friend of 9 and lived with them always correspond.
10. Mother Teresa in 1997 in which the vehicle was taken to the funeral in 1948 the vehicle was used for the funeral of Mahatma Gandhi.
11. Gandhi's autobiography "My Experiments with Truth (my experiments with truth)", which was published in 1927, Harper Collins in the nineteenth century was named one of the 100 most important spiritual books.
12. In 1948 Gandhi was chosen for Purushkar Nobel Prize but before the murders occurred. Consequently Nobel Prize committee did not anyone that year.
13. Times Magazine in 1999, Gandhi, Einstein's second most powerful man after the nineteenth century determined.
14. Gandhi had tied his false teeth in his dhoti. He only wore it while eating.
15. Irish Accent Mahatma Gandhi spoke in English because they were the first English teacher Airisman.
16. When Gandhi ended his law studies in England, he completely failed to practice law. Even when the first case Kampane flashed his legs and he was cross-examined without debate have sat down and lost the case.
17. But in South Africa he became very successful lawyer and his earnings to $ 15,000 per annul in South Africa had grown. Think about it, 99% of the annual income of Indians still less!
18. Mahatma Gandhi never in his life did not America.
19. Mahatma Gandhi never in his life did not sit in the air-plane.
20. Mahatma Gandhi wrote in his autobiography Gujarati.
21. the title of Mahatma Gandhi and Rabindranath Tagore was Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore, Gandhi was given the title.
22. Mahatma Gandhi "Nation" (rashtrapita) Subhash Chandra Bose had graduated.
23. Mahatma Gandhi in the freedom movements of their lives spent a total of 6 years and 5 months in prison.
24. The United Nations World Non-Violence Day on October 2, Gandhi's birthday (world non-violence day) has declared.
But very strong supporter of Gandhi's Swadeshi 25. His first stamp was printed in Switzerland.

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